The Magnetic Resume

Want to land more interviews for your dream role? Let a Magnetic Resume do all the heavy lifting.

Join us for one hour, and we'll help you...

  • Learn the resume format that WOWs hiring leaders of truly agile dream organizations.

  • Use a proven content flow that makes those hiring leaders WANT to talk to you.

  • Irrefutably prove your worth so you can demand the higher pay rate you know you deserve.

Get instant access, watch the masterclass and walk away with the exact steps to create the last resume overhaul you'll ever need, so you can stop being overlooked and start getting callbacks for more interviews than you ever thought possible.

Get instant access, watch the masterclass and walk away with the exact steps to create the last resume overhaul you'll ever need, so you can stop being overlooked and start getting callbacks for more interviews than you ever thought possible.

Instant Access

The live sessions have been filmed, and they are both available on-demand, the moment you sign up.

Lifetime access to this training is included in your order. You'll have access to a learning portal where you can find the training whenever you need it.

Here's a taste of what we cover in the workshop:

How hiring leaders think when reviewing resumes, including yours if it's compelling enough to read.

  • How hiring leaders think when reviewing resumes, including yours if it's compelling enough to read.

  • How to capture the short attention span of hiring leaders in 3 seconds or less.

  • The proven resume flow that I used to get my first role as an agile coach with no prior experience and zero certifications. My private clients use the same flow to land agile roles including Scrum Master, Agile Coach, PO & PM with offers that were higher than they expected.

  • 7 secrets that nearly zero agilists are leveraging on their current agile resume that would land them more interviews and pre-sell them to hiring leaders.

What Just a Few People Said About The Magnetic Resume:

Chimbusomma Eluka

"I've gotten so many hits and so [much] interest in me and my career personally since I've been working with Scott."

Jon Charlotte

"Your resume format was like flipping a light switch for me, from almost no interviews to several multiple-round interviews, almost overnight."

Stephanie Churnoff

"New role is going well! Your advice on the resume was very helpful. I was able to do a better job of tweaking it for the various opportunities. Thank you!"

The Magnetic Resume

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